Simply functors that transform something.

Absolute (x) |
Returns the elementwise absolute of any argument. |
Identity (x) |
Return whatever it was called with. |
first_axis_mean (x) |
Mean computed along the first axis. |
first_axis_sum_not_zero (x) |
Sum computed over first axis of whether the values are not equal to zero. |
grand_mean (x) |
Just what the name suggests. |
l1_normed (x[, norm, reverse]) |
Norm the values so that L_1 norm (sum|x|) becomes norm |
l2_normed (x[, norm, reverse]) |
Norm the values so that regular vector norm becomes norm |
max_of_abs (x) |
Max of absolute values along the 2nd axis |
one_minus (x) |
Returns elementwise ‘1 - x’ of any argument. |
rank_order (x[, reverse]) |
Rank-order by value. |
reverse_rank_order (x) |
Convinience functor |
second_axis_mean (x) |
Mean across 2nd axis |
subtract_mean (x) |
Subtract mean across first axis |
sum_of_abs (x) |
Sum of absolute values along the 2nd axis |
ClassWithCollections ([descr]) |
Base class for objects which contain any known collection |
ConditionalAttribute ([enabled]) |
Simple container intended to conditionally store the value |
DistPValue ([sd, distribution, fpp, nbins]) |
Converts values into p-values under vague and non-scientific assumptions |
OverAxis (transformer[, axis]) |
Helper to apply transformer over specific axis |