Associate volume geometry with two surface meshes (typically pial and white matter boundaries of the grey matter).
@author: nick

from_volume (v) |
Makes a pseudo-surface from a volume. |
ProgressBar ([start_time, ...]) |
Simple progress bar in ASCII text |
VolSurf (vg, white, pial[, intermediate]) |
Associates a volume geometry with two surfaces (pial and white). |
VolSurfMapping (vg, white, pial[, ...]) |
General mapping between volume and surface. |
VolSurfMaximalMapping (vg, white, pial[, ...]) |
Represents the maximal mapping from nodes to voxels. |
VolSurfMinimalLowresMapping (vg, white, pial) |
Represents the minimal mapping from nodes to voxels, incorporating the intermediate surface that can be of lower-res. |
VolSurfMinimalMapping (vg, white, pial[, ...]) |
Represents the minimal mapping from nodes to voxels. |
VolumeBasedSurface (vg) |
A surface based on a volume, where every voxel is a node. |