Functionality for surface-based voxel selection
Created on Feb 13, 2012
NN Oosterhof, T Wiestler, PE Downing, J Diedrichsen (2011). A comparison of volume-based and surface-based multi-voxel pattern analysis. Neuroimage, 56(2), pp. 593-600
‘Surfing’ toolbox: (and the associated documentation)

from_any (s) |
Loads or returns voxel selection results |
h5load (filename[, name]) |
Loads the content of an HDF5 file that has been stored by h5save() . |
h5save (filename, data[, name, mode, mkdir]) |
Stores arbitrary data in an HDF5 file. |
run_voxel_selection (radius, volume, ...[, ...]) |
Voxel selection wrapper for multiple center nodes on the surface |
seconds2prettystring (t[, ndigits]) |
Prints seconds in a pretty form |
voxel_selection (vol_surf_mapping, radius[, ...]) |
Voxel selection for multiple center nodes on the surface |
ProgressBar ([start_time, ...]) |
Simple progress bar in ASCII text |
VoxelSelector (radius, distance_surf, n2v[, ...]) |
Voxel selection for surface-based searchlights |