Plot flat maps of cortical surfaces.
curvature_from_any (c) |
Reads curvature |
flat_surface2grid_mask (surface, min_nsteps, ...) |
Computes a mask and corresponding coordinates from a flat surface |
flat_surface2xy (surface, max_deformation) |
Returns a tuple with x and y coordinates of a flat surface |
flat_surface_curvature2rgba (curvature) |
Computes an RGBA colormap in black and white, based on curvature |
flat_surface_data2rgba (data[, range_, ...]) |
Computes an RGBA colormap for surface data |
griddata (x, y, z, xi, yi[, interp]) |
Interpolates from a nonuniformly spaced grid to some other grid. |
nanmax_wrapper (xs) |
nanmin_wrapper (xs) |
unstructured_xy2grid_xy_vectors (x, y, min_nsteps) |
From unstructured x and y values, return lists of x and y coordinates |
vector_alignment_find_rotation (x, y) |
Find rotation matrix to align one vector with another |
Dataset (samples[, sa, fa, a]) |
Generic storage class for datasets with multiple attributes. |
FlatSurfacePlotter (surface[, curvature, ...]) |
Plots data on a flat surface |