
Common functions and options definitions for command line

Conventions: Every option (instance of optparse.Option) has prefix “opt”. Lists of options has prefix opts (e.g. opts.common).

Option name should be camelbacked version of .dest for the option.

Inheritance diagram of mvpa2.misc.cmdline


split_comma_semicolon_lists(s[, dtype]) TODO


Option(\*opts, \*\*attrs) Instance attributes:
OptionGroup(parser, title[, description])


OptionGroups(parser) Group creation is delayed until instance is requested.
OptionParser([usage, option_list, ...]) Class attributes: standard_option_list : [Option] list of standard options that will be accepted by all instances of this parser class (intended to be overridden by subclasses).
Options Just a convenience placeholder for all available options


Option(\*opts, \*\*attrs) Instance attributes:
OptionGroup(parser, title[, description])


OptionGroups(parser) Group creation is delayed until instance is requested.
OptionParser([usage, option_list, ...]) Class attributes: standard_option_list : [Option] list of standard options that will be accepted by all instances of this parser class (intended to be overridden by subclasses).
Options Just a convenience placeholder for all available options