An efficient implementation of searchlight for GNB.

borrowkwargs (cls[, methodname, exclude]) |
Return a decorator which would borrow docstring for **kwargs |
sphere_gnbsearchlight (gnb, generator[, ...]) |
Creates a GNBSearchlight to assess cross-validation classification performance of GNB on all possible spheres of a certain size within a dataset. |
GNBSearchlight (gnb, generator, qe, \*\*kwargs) |
Efficient implementation of Gaussian Naive Bayes Searchlight . |
IndexQueryEngine ([sorted]) |
Provides efficient query engine for discrete spaces. |
SimpleStatBaseSearchlight (generator, queryengine) |
Base class for clf searchlights based on basic univar. |
Sphere (radius[, element_sizes, distance_func]) |
N-Dimensional hypersphere. |