Transform data by applying a function along samples or feature axis.
absolute_features () |
Returns a mapper that converts features into absolute values. |
argsort (seq[, reverse]) |
Return indices to get sequence sorted |
array_whereequal (a, x) |
Reliable comparison for numpy.ndarray |
borrowdoc (cls[, methodname]) |
Return a decorator to borrow docstring from another cls .`methodname` |
expand_contraint_spec (spec) |
Helper to translate literal contraint specs into functional ones |
max_of_abs (x) |
Max of absolute values along the 2nd axis |
maxofabs_sample () |
Returns a mapper that finds max of absolute values of all samples. |
mean_feature ([attrfx]) |
Returns a mapper that computes the mean feature of a dataset. |
mean_group_feature (attrs[, attrfx]) |
Returns a mapper that computes the mean features of unique feature groups. |
mean_group_sample (attrs[, attrfx]) |
Returns a mapper that computes the mean samples of unique sample groups. |
mean_sample ([attrfx]) |
Returns a mapper that computes the mean sample of a dataset. |
merge2first (attrs) |
Compress a sequence by discard all but the first element |
subtract_mean (x) |
Subtract mean across first axis |
subtract_mean_feature ([attrfx]) |
Subtract mean of features across samples. |
sum_of_abs (x) |
Sum of absolute values along the 2nd axis |
sum_sample ([attrfx]) |
Returns a mapper that computes the sum sample of a dataset. |
sumofabs_sample () |
Returns a mapper that returns the sum of absolute values of all samples. |
AltConstraints (\*constraints) |
Logical OR for constraints. |
BinaryFxNode (fx, space, \*\*kwargs) |
Extract a dataset attribute and call a function with it and the samples. |
BinomialProportionCI (\*\*kwargs) |
Compute binomial proportion confidence intervals |
Constraint |
Base class for input value conversion/validation. |
Constraints (\*constraints) |
Logical AND for constraints. |
Dataset (samples[, sa, fa, a]) |
Generic storage class for datasets with multiple attributes. |
EnsureBool |
Ensure that an input is a bool. |
EnsureChoice (\*values) |
Ensure an input is element of a set of possible values |
EnsureDType (dtype) |
Ensure that an input (or several inputs) are of a particular data type. |
EnsureFloat () |
Ensure that an input (or several inputs) are of a data type ‘float’. |
EnsureInt () |
Ensure that an input (or several inputs) are of a data type ‘int’. |
EnsureListOf (dtype) |
Ensure that an input is a list of a particular data type |
EnsureNone |
Ensure an input is of value None |
EnsureRange ([min, max]) |
Ensure an input is within a particular range |
EnsureStr |
Ensure an input is a string. |
EnsureTupleOf (dtype) |
Ensure that an input is a tuple of a particular data type |
FxMapper (axis, fx[, fxargs, uattrs, attrfx, ...]) |
Apply a custom transformation to (groups of) samples or features. |
Mapper (\*\*kwargs) |
Basic mapper interface definition. |
MeanRemoval ([in_place]) |
Subtract sample mean from features. |
Node ([space, pass_attr, postproc]) |
Common processing object. |
Parameter (default[, constraints, ro, index, ...]) |
This class shall serve as a representation of a parameter. |