Spectral filtering and FFT-based resampling.

borrowkwargs (cls[, methodname, exclude]) |
Return a decorator which would borrow docstring for **kwargs |
fft_resample (ds, num, \*\*kwargs) |
FFT-based resampling. |
filtfilt (b, a, x[, axis, padtype, padlen, ...]) |
A forward-backward filter. |
iir_filter (ds, \*args, \*\*kwargs) |
IIR-based frequency filtering. |
resample (x, num[, t, axis, window]) |
Resample x to num samples using Fourier method along the given axis. |
vstack (datasets[, a, fa]) |
Stacks datasets vertically (appending samples). |
Dataset (samples[, sa, fa, a]) |
Generic storage class for datasets with multiple attributes. |
EnsureChoice (\*values) |
Ensure an input is element of a set of possible values |
EnsureInt () |
Ensure that an input (or several inputs) are of a data type ‘int’. |
EnsureNone |
Ensure an input is of value None |
FFTResampleMapper (num[, window, ...]) |
Mapper for FFT-based resampling. |
IIRFilterMapper (b, a, \*\*kwargs) |
Mapper using IIR filters for data transformation. |
Mapper (\*\*kwargs) |
Basic mapper interface definition. |
Parameter (default[, constraints, ro, index, ...]) |
This class shall serve as a representation of a parameter. |
Splitter (attr[, attr_values, count, ...]) |
Generator node for dataset splitting. |