
Inheritance diagram of EEPBin
class mvpa2.datasets.eep.EEPBin(source)

Read-access to binary EEP files.

EEP files are used by eeprobe a software for analysing even-related potentials (ERP), which was developed at the Max-Planck Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience in Leipzig, Germany.

EEP files consist of a plain text header and a binary data block in a single file. The header starts with a line of the form

‘;%d %d %d %g %g’ % (Nchannels, Nsamples, Ntrials, t0, dt)

where Nchannels, Nsamples, Ntrials are the numbers of channels, samples per trial and trials respectively. t0 is the time of the first sample of a trial relative to the stimulus onset and dt is the sampling interval.

The binary data block consists of single precision floats arranged in the following way:



channels List of channel names
data Return the data array.
dt Time difference between two adjacent samples
nchannels Number of channels
nsamples Number of trials/samples
ntimepoints Number of data timepoints
props Return the dictionary with the data properties.
t0 Relative start time of sampling interval

Read EEP file and store header and data.


source : str



channels List of channel names
data Return the data array.
dt Time difference between two adjacent samples
nchannels Number of channels
nsamples Number of trials/samples
ntimepoints Number of data timepoints
props Return the dictionary with the data properties.
t0 Relative start time of sampling interval

List of channel names


Time difference between two adjacent samples


Number of channels


Number of trials/samples


Number of data timepoints


Relative start time of sampling interval