PyMVPA’s common Dataset container.

idhash_ (val) |
Craft unique id+hash for an object |
mask_mapper ([mask, shape, space]) |
Factory method to create a chain of Flatten+StaticFeatureSelection Mappers |
preprocessed_dataset (src, raw_loader, ...[, ...]) |
Convenience function to load and preprocess data into a dataset. |
AttrDataset (samples[, sa, fa, a]) |
Generic storage class for datasets with multiple attributes. |
ChainMapper (nodes, \*\*kwargs) |
Class that amends ChainNode with a mapper-like interface. |
Dataset (samples[, sa, fa, a]) |
Generic storage class for datasets with multiple attributes. |
FlattenMapper ([shape, maxdims]) |
Reshaping mapper that flattens multidimensional arrays into 1D vectors. |
HollowSamples ([shape, sid, fid, dtype]) |
Samples container that doesn’t store samples. |
StaticFeatureSelection (slicearg[, dshape, ...]) |
Feature selection by static slicing argument. |