
Implementation of a common trainable processing object (Learner).

Inheritance diagram of mvpa2.base.learner


is_datasetlike(obj) Check if an object looks like a Dataset.


AttrDataset(samples[, sa, fa, a]) Generic storage class for datasets with multiple attributes.
ChainLearner(learners[, auto_train, force_train]) Combines different learners into one in a chained fashion
ChainNode(nodes, \*\*kwargs) This class allows to concatenate a list of nodes into a processing chain.
CombinedLearner(learners, combine_axis[, a])


CombinedNode(nodes, combine_axis[, a]) Node to pass a dataset on to a set of nodes and combine there output.
CompoundLearner(learners[, auto_train, ...])


CompoundNode(nodes, \*\*kwargs) List of nodes.
ConditionalAttribute([enabled]) Simple container intended to conditionally store the value
Learner([auto_train, force_train]) Common trainable processing object.
Node([space, pass_attr, postproc]) Common processing object.


AttrDataset(samples[, sa, fa, a]) Generic storage class for datasets with multiple attributes.
ChainLearner(learners[, auto_train, force_train]) Combines different learners into one in a chained fashion
ChainNode(nodes, \*\*kwargs) This class allows to concatenate a list of nodes into a processing chain.
CombinedLearner(learners, combine_axis[, a])


CombinedNode(nodes, combine_axis[, a]) Node to pass a dataset on to a set of nodes and combine there output.
CompoundLearner(learners[, auto_train, ...])


CompoundNode(nodes, \*\*kwargs) List of nodes.
ConditionalAttribute([enabled]) Simple container intended to conditionally store the value
Learner([auto_train, force_train]) Common trainable processing object.
Node([space, pass_attr, postproc]) Common processing object.