Visualization of Data Projection MethodsΒΆ

from import pl
from mvpa2.misc.data_generators import noisy_2d_fx
from mvpa2.mappers.svd import SVDMapper
from mvpa2.mappers.mdp_adaptor import ICAMapper, PCAMapper
from mvpa2 import cfg

center = [10, 20]
axis_range = 7

##REF: Name was automagically refactored
def plot_proj_dir(p):
    pl.plot([0, p[0,0]], [0, p[0,1]],
           linewidth=3, hold=True, color='y')
    pl.plot([0, p[1,0]], [0, p[1,1]],
           linewidth=3, hold=True, color='k')

mappers = {
            'PCA': PCAMapper(),
            'SVD': SVDMapper(),
            'ICA': ICAMapper(alg='CuBICA'),
datasets = [
    noisy_2d_fx(100, lambda x: x, [lambda x: x],
                center, noise_std=0.5),
    noisy_2d_fx(50, lambda x: x, [lambda x: x, lambda x: -x],
                center, noise_std=0.5),
    noisy_2d_fx(50, lambda x: x, [lambda x: x, lambda x: 0],
                center, noise_std=0.5),

ndatasets = len(datasets)
nmappers = len(mappers.keys())

fig = 1

for ds in datasets:
    for mname, mapper in mappers.iteritems():

        dproj = mapper.forward(ds.samples)
        mproj = mapper.proj
        pl.subplot(ndatasets, nmappers, fig)
        if fig <= 3:

        pl.scatter(ds.samples[:, 0] - center[0],
                  ds.samples[:, 1] - center[1],
                  s=30, c=( * 200)
        fig += 1

Output of the example:

SVD/ICA/PCA projections

See also

The full source code of this example is included in the PyMVPA source distribution (doc/examples/