A simple start (on the command line)ΒΆ
This script is the exact equivalent of the A simple start example, but using the command line interface. First we load an fMRI dataset with some attributes for each volume, only considering voxels that are non-zero in a mask image.
pymvpa2 mkds --mri-data "$dataroot"/bold.nii.gz \
--add-sa-attr "$dataroot"/attributes_literal.txt \
--mask "$dataroot"/mask.nii.gz \
-o "$outdir"/bold_ds.hdf5
Next we remove linear trends by polynomial regression for each voxel and each chunk (recording run) of the dataset individually.
pymvpa2 preproc --chunks chunks \
--poly-detrend 1 \
-i "$outdir"/bold_ds.hdf5 \
-o "$outdir"/preproced.hdf5
For this example we are only interested in data samples that correspond
to the face
or to the house
pymvpa2 select --samples-by-attr targets eq face or targets eq house \
-i "$outdir"/preproced.hdf5 \
-o "$outdir"/facehouse.hdf5
The setup for our cross-validation analysis include the selection of a classifier from the “warehouse”, a partitioning scheme, and an error function to convert literal predictions into a quantitative performance metric.
pymvpa2 crossval --learner 'SMLR(lm=1.0)' \
--partitioner oddeven:chunks \
--errorfx mean_mismatch_error \
--avg-datafold-results \
-i "$outdir"/facehouse.hdf5 \
-o "$outdir"/crossval_results.hdf5
The resulting dataset contains the computed accuracy.
echo -n "Error for cross-validation problem: "
pymvpa2 dump -s -i "$outdir"/crossval_results.hdf5
See also
The full source code of this example is included in the PyMVPA source distribution (doc/examples/cmdline/start_easy.sh